Jelly konfetiis a kind of jelly food, which is mainly made of water, sugar or starch sugar, supplemented by food additives such as thickeners, with or without raw materials such as fruit and vegetable products, milk and dairy products, and processed through the processes of sol, blending, filling, sterilization, cooling, etc. Jelly is completely solidified by the gel action of gelatin. Turli xil uslub va shakldagi tayyor mahsulotlarni ishlab chiqarish uchun turli xil qoliplardan foydalanish mumkin.
1. Jelly tayyorlash
2. Jelly suyuqlik quyish
3. Jellyni sozlash
4. Qolipdan tushirish va bezash
The advantage of jelly is its low energy. Unda deyarli hech qanday protein, yog 'va boshqa energiya ozuqa moddalari mavjud emas. People who want to lose weight or keep slim can eat it at ease.